+33 2 43 90 43 01
Initially, arthrometers have been created around four decades ago and were mostly used to conduct studies.Today, it is not the case anymore as many orthopaedic doctors, sports doctors, radiologists and physiotherapists choose to make use of these advanced medical devices during their clinical examinations.
Using such a tool on a daily basis indeed significantly increases quality of the treatment delivered to patients as these devices provide precise & objective results on the knee ligaments compared to other techniques of assessment. Scientific studies have indeed proven that having recourse to these devices considerably optimizes the treatment of patients suffering from knee ligament injuries because:
Genourob's GNRB arthrometer
Create and manage your own database to deliver your patient the high quality treatment he deserves!
Today, most of the objective assessments that are run on the ACL during an examination are either not precise enough (MRI: no diagnosis possible for acute ACL injuries due to the blood surrounding it) or rely on many subjective factors (physical examination: doctors experience, patient's muscle activity...).
Genourob's arthrometers however will grant you the opportunity of running a knee assessment by reproducing physical tests (Lachman test) in a fully automated way. This will provide you with precise objective results under the form of compliance curves (=opposite of stiffness curves) that are easily read and accessed.
Confirm a precise diagnosis before surgery and ensure your patient's knee stability after surgery!
Arthrometers to diagnose the knee ligaments' state is not something new but using one to assess the ACL graft is! All the forces applied on the tibia being controlled and automated is the reason why this is now possible.
Consequently, you will have the opportunity of following the state of the ligament graft during the whole rehabilitation phase after the surgery. With every patient showing unique advancements, you will therefore optimize their chances of developing correct knee stability, as you will be able to deliver them with personalized rehabilitation programs.
This considerably increases the probability of gaining knee stability once the treatment is done giving them the opportunity of practising sports again and making it seem like they never went through a knee ligament reconstruction surgery.
Never misdiagnose and precisely confirm your patient's condition!
Other methods, such as advanced imaging techniques for example, enable doing a diagnosis by taking pictures of the knee while it remains in place. On the other hand, arthrometers induce forces on the tibia to apply stress on the knee ligaments in order to measure knee stability:
Now imagine you had an elastic in your hand and wanted to know whether it is torn or not, would you pull on both extremities of it, or would you take pictures of it and have them analysed later?
The first option is of course the logical answer. You would indeed pull on both extremities to easily find where the elastic is broken. Well, it is precisely what our arthrometers do: these apply forces on the tibia while maintaining the femur locked in position. In other terms, these perform dynamic tests. Never before were we able to run assessment on the knee ligaments with such precision. This is particularly due to the fact that these devices reproduce physical exams in an automated way.
Increase productivity as communications between you & your patients and/or colleagues is facilitated!
Improve the quality of your medical services as the results of your patients are automatically saved in a database after each test, easily accessible and managed through the LDA® software implemented in the computers provided with our arthrometers.
The objective results will improve your communication skills with other departments in your hospital/clinic and most importantly help you gain the trust of your patient, as these are easily comprehensible. This is especially useful for patients who went through day-surgery during their ACL reconstruction surgery. They can indeed sometimes apply high stresses on the ACL graft without knowing it, which can lead to it collapsing especially during the first months of their rehabilitation program.
By using an arthrometer, you will be able to quickly determine whether the rehabilitation is going well and prevent instabilities from reappearing.
Compare comparable results and run risk free tests on your patient!
With several sensors and parameters being incorporated in these innovating medical devices, Genourob's arthrometers will allow you to place your patient in the exact same position each and every time you run an assessment on his knee ligaments.
In addition, you will be able to perform as many tests as possible since this device reproduces physical examinations to examine the patient's knee.
All our arthrometers are delivered in a package containing: