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ACL injuries have and will always be present. Though the surgery techniques associated to this type of injury considerably evolved during the past century, ACL Rehab did not meet the same fate. This has consequently been the subject of many topics and it is nowadays slowly changing with the arrival of arthrometers.
Today, it is estimated that more than 2 000 000 ACL surgeries occure around the world every year and that this number keeps rising. It is also true to say the techniques associated to this type of surgery evolved considerably in hand with ACL rehabilitation being left for granted in the other. This is primarily due to the fact that for most traumas the body can encounter, a well performed surgery usually leads to a successful recovery. However, concerning ACL surgery, it has been scientifically proven that a well supervised rehab is crucial to gain knee stability (see study below).
First of all, in case you do not know, an arthrometer is a medical device designed to apply a reproducible force across the knee and mechanically measure the resulting displacement. The first arthrometers that were developed date from the 1970's (KT1000) but it was only during the 1990's that these became popular amongst the orthopaedic cummunity.
In the beginning, these instruments were essentially designed to be used for research purposes but since 2007, thanks to the numerization of our society, Genourob created the GNRB, which is the first automated arthrometer designed to be used for clinical purposes.
The main reason this tool is now recognized essential for ACL assessment is because these offer our orthopaedic surgeons, sports doctors, radiologists and physiotherapists a precise diagnostic of the ACL's state and performance using a reliable and reproducible method. Our clinicians therefore withhold the opportunity of always knowing how the ACL graft is behaving ultimetaly letting them prescribe the right rehabiliation exercises at the correct time.
GNRB arthrometer presentation video