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SPINEO is the only tool in the world based on the physiological function of axial straightening. It applies the current medical recommendations when it comes to treating back pain.
SPINEO - Spine Rehabilitation Device
Nowadays, worldwide medical data recommand active therapies in order to stimulate the muscular system around the spine.
Though being efficient over short term, manual therapies find their limits in the management of chronic or relapse diseases of the spine.
Consequently, in order to actively stabalize the spine, provide efficient and durable alternatives for patients suffering from spine injuries, developing and reinforcing the muscles surrounding it is essential.
The bipedalism of human beings necessitates a dorsal muscular system capable of maintaining the spine upright. Therefore, cases where this ability is defective lets the spine without protection towards spine joint instability which when repeated without control is the source of spinal joint lesion that are linked to chronic back pain.
Occidental sedentary lifestyle not favouring axial muscular activity can be an explanation of why back problems have been increasing over the past years.
Stimulation of the muscles around the vertebral column with SPINEO consequently constitutes the best security to maintain a functional spine.
The effect SPINEO has on the back is complete. It simultaneously stimulates short muscles (stabilizers and vertebral analytical correctors) and the long muscles (the ones that act as rectifiers for thoracic and cervical curves).
Axial straightening of the back results in muscle development of the abdominal and lumbar muscles. The muscles surrounding the vertebral column (posterior and lateral muscles) are therefore solicited as well as the abdominal and perineal belt in a physiological way.
SPINEO is the only device in the world capable of stimulating the abdominals and all the muscles around the vertebral column in their physiological function.
For people suffering from lumbar deficiencies, global or located loss of muscles bear witness to how this system can be altered. In order to lift the inhibitions of these motor units, force recruitment exercises are therefore provided.
The retrieval of endurance, through metabolic glycogenic stimulation, is indeed directly linked with maintaining certain back postures.
Additionally, performing intermittent endurance by doing specific gestures allows to solicit a great number of muscle fibres I.
Thanks to the accurate programs that were designed by physiologists, SPINEO restores, through various metabolic and histological solicitations, the strength and endurance of the muscles surrounding the spine.
SPINEO allows a better neuro-motor control. Users indeed become more aware of the importance of maintaining a good back posture as various proprioceptive muscular and tendon receptors are stimulated while using this tool.
The information provided to the proprioceptive receptors indeed allows the activation and accurately adjusts the muscles in order to obtain a good posture.
The reactivation of various neuro-muscular channels and tendon receptors through axial straightening is undoubtedly beneficial.
It enables the re-initiate a neuromuscular action around the various levels of the vertebral column. In addition, it allows adjusting the various muscles surrounding the spine to assure a better articular control.
The proprioceptive work provided with SPINEO enables patients to become aware of bad postures that hence become spontaneously or automatically corrected.
In response to aesthetic preoccupations linked to the figure, SPINEO is the first medical rehabilitation device that provides solutions based on physiological studies done concerning the human posture.
Postural training though axial straightening is indeed a great exercise to enhance the figure.
Stimulating the muscles surrounding the spine with SPINEO assures postural straightening and is perfect to fight against negative growth of height linked with age.
While performing axial straightening, the contraction of the abdominals is physiological and integrated with postural activity. It offers reliable biomechanical elements that are very useful to enhance the figure in this anatomical region.
The opening of the ribcage through the straightening chest results in the straightening of the bust.
The benefits on the figure are put forward through proprioceptive stimulation and of course, the fact that patients become aware of their posture after using SPINEO.
Provided with a system that objectively measures the performance of the muscles surrounding the spine, SPINEO enables a regular evaluation of the axial strength, endurance and flexibility of the back.
When regularly practised and memorised, these evaluations provide important objective data of the evolution regarding the state of the muscles located around the spine.
Handling the recovery of these muscle necessitates the establishment of strength and endurance assessments that are reliable, quick and simple.
The evaluation consequently implements a protocol of reinforcement that is adapted to the patients’ needs and objectives. Therapeutic efficiency and pertinence indeed depend on the quality of evaluation, which is greatly achieved with SPINEO.
The main domains of application of SPINEO are:
The indications regarding the axial straightening of the spine are multiple and well argued. These fall within experience and the use of SPINEO by specialized teams.